€6.42 (In Stock)
In the month of February, in the wild areas of the Pollino Park, the harvest of "Onions" as they are called in Calabria or "Lampascioni" as they call them in Puglia begins. Identify the green shoot, which indicates the presence of the tuber and with a firm blow of the hoe dig until you find this vegetable, pink in color and of various sizes. After harvesting, the product is selected and the smaller ones are chosen to be preserved in oil. They are washed, the first skin is removed, they are scalded in wine vinegar and, after a short cooking, they are left to cool and drain on a clean cloth. The next day they are mixed with extra virgin olive oil, mint, black peppercorns, garlic, salted, put into jars and pasteurized in a bain-marie. After a month you can proceed with tasting.
Fresh wild onions, extra virgin olive oil, white wine vinegar, salt, black peppercorns, mint, garlic, chilli flakes. 200g
Agrichef Barbieri recommends:
Wild onions are a real delicacy to use in a good appetizer based on cured meats and cheeses.